
Jeff Clarke
07/23/17 Sermon

Knowing God 2
Bill Speck
07/23/17 Sermon

Jesus' Ministry Begins, Luke 4
Jeff Clarke
07/16/17 Sermon

Search Me
Mike Franklin
07/16/17 Sermon

Each Other
Jeff Clarke
07/09/17 Sermon

Set Your Heart On God's Word
Roger Eccles
07/09/17 Sermon

Visions of Zechariah
Jeff Clarke
07/02/17 Sermon

Just and Justifier
Jeff Clarke
06/25/17 Sermon

I Believe; Help My Unbelief
Roger Eccles
06/25/17 Sermon

Doing All God Has Given Us To Do?
Steve Findley
06/18/17 Sermon

United In Great Works
Steve Findley
06/18/17 Sermon

Suffering Part 2
Bill Spaun
06/11/17 Sermon

Proclaiming Christ Crucified
Mike Franklin
06/11/17 Sermon

Suffering Part 1
Bill Spaun
06/04/17 Sermon

John 13 Foot Washing Overview
Jeff Clarke
05/28/17 Sermon

How to Have Eternal Life
Florento Dapiaoen
05/28/17 Sermon

Let Your Light Shine for the Glory of the Father
Roger Eccles
05/21/17 Sermon

Be at Peace with All Men
Roger Eccles
05/14/17 Sermon

Psalm 110
Roger Eccles
05/14/17 Sermon

Daniel Ch. 6 - The Lion's Den
Jeff Clarke
05/07/17 Sermon

Psalm 51
Andrew Drake
04/30/17 Sermon

Congregational Christianity
Bill Speck
04/30/17 Sermon

Woes To Israel
Jeff Clarke
04/23/17 Sermon

Mark 11-12
Roger Eccles
04/23/17 Sermon

The Resurrection
Jeff Clarke
04/16/17 Sermon