
1 Peter 1:3-5 – Hope
Jeff Clarke
08/09/15 Sermon

Do Not Love The World
Travis Dehlinger
08/09/15 Sermon

Living for God
Bill Downey Jr.
08/02/15 Sermon

John Chapter 8
Jeff Clarke
07/26/15 Sermon

Sharing The Gospel With The Lost
Roger Eccles
07/26/15 Sermon

Jesus Man approved of God
Jeff Clarke
07/19/15 Sermon

The War For Our Souls
Joel Ward
07/19/15 Sermon

In The Blood
Mike Franklin
07/12/15 Sermon

Hezekiah's Illness
Jeff Clarke
07/05/15 Sermon

Modesty Part 1
Scott Beyer
06/28/15 Sermon

Modesty Part 2
Scott Beyer
06/28/15 Sermon

Hezekiahs Prayer
Jeff Clarke
06/21/15 Sermon

Prayer And Singing June 21,2015
06/21/15 Sermon

Social Media
Travis Dehlinger
06/14/15 Sermon

Encourage one another
Roger Eccles
06/14/15 Sermon

The Pattern of the New Testament Church
Mike Franklin
06/07/15 Sermon

Hebrews 2
Jeff Clarke
05/31/15 Sermon

Unity 7 Points
Ed Bahl
05/31/15 Sermon

Proverbs 17
Jeff Clarke
05/24/15 Sermon

Bill Downey Jr.
05/24/15 Sermon

They Pierced My hands and Feet
Jeff Clarke
05/17/15 Sermon

Remaining Steadfast
Travis Dehlinger
05/17/15 Sermon

Power of Godliness
Jeff Clarke
05/10/15 Sermon

Providence of God
Mike Franklin
05/10/15 Sermon

God My Rock
Jeff Clarke
05/03/15 Sermon