
Thirsting for God
Roger Eccles
11/29/15 Sermon

Jeff Clarke
11/22/15 Sermon

Historical Psalms
Andrew Drake
11/22/15 Sermon

What is your life?
Jeff Clarke
11/15/15 Sermon

Feed My Sheep
Bill Spaun
11/08/15 Sermon

Forgetting What Lies Behind
Roger Eccles
11/08/15 Sermon

James 4, Submit to God
Jeff Clarke
11/01/15 Sermon

Bill Downey Jr.
10/25/15 Sermon

Act Like Men, Be Watchful
Roger Eccles
10/25/15 Sermon

Jehoshaphat's Praise
Jeff Clarke
10/18/15 Sermon

Our God's Faithfulness
Jayson Keehn
10/18/15 Sermon

Act Like a Man in Marriage
Roger Eccles
10/11/15 Sermon

Davids view of Gods Grace
Jeff Clarke
10/04/15 Sermon

Fear Of the Lord
Jeff Clarke
09/27/15 Sermon

Defending Baptism
Bill Downey Jr.
09/27/15 Sermon

God on Jesus Grace
Jeff Clarke
09/20/15 Sermon

A Bruised Reed He will Not Break
Roger Eccles
09/20/15 Sermon

Luke 1 – The Pure Gospel
Jeff Clarke
09/13/15 Sermon

The Humility of the Syrophoenician Woman
Daniel Reeves
09/13/15 Sermon

Finding the Peace that Surpasses Understanding
Darrell Beane
09/06/15 Sermon

Lord I Believe Pt 2
Andrew Drake
08/30/15 Sermon

Our Spiritual Battle
Jayson Keehn
08/30/15 Sermon

I Believe In Jesus
Mike Franklin
08/23/15 Sermon

Jeff Clarke
08/16/15 Sermon

Queen Vashti
Bill Downey Jr.
08/16/15 Sermon