
Bill Downey Jr.
01/13/19 Sermon

Running the Race
Bill Spaun
01/13/19 Sermon

You Might Be a Pharisee If... - Part 3
Andrew Drake
01/06/19 Sermon

Minimums and Maximums - Part 2
Larry Haverstock
12/30/18 Sermon

Minimums and Maximums - Part 1
Larry Haverstock
12/30/18 Sermon

How Do You Measure Righteousness
Roger Eccles
12/23/18 Sermon

Jeff Clarke
12/23/18 Sermon

The Power of the Word
Steve Daniels
12/16/18 Sermon

Christ's Priesthood
Jeff Clarke
12/16/18 Sermon

Brotherly Kindness
Bill Downey Jr.
12/09/18 Sermon

Matthew 12 Greater Than Solomon
Jeff Clarke
12/09/18 Sermon

Terry Palmer
12/02/18 Sermon

Bible People - Isaac
Lee Eccles
12/02/18 Sermon

Mike Franklin
11/28/18 Sermon

Biblical Guidelines for Facing and Embracing Difficult Times
Bill Speck
11/25/18 Sermon

Marcus Franklin
11/18/18 Sermon

Paul's Pep Talk to Timothy
Jeff Clarke
11/18/18 Sermon

Jesus is the Light of the World
Bill Downey Jr.
11/11/18 Sermon

The Influence of the Kingdom
Bill Downey Jr.
11/11/18 Sermon

Lessons From Luke
Jeff Clarke
11/04/18 Sermon

Bill Downey Sr.
10/28/18 Sermon

Have You Not Read?
Roger Eccles
10/28/18 Sermon

Be Strong and Courageous
Scott Sousa
10/21/18 Sermon

Being a Champion in Christ
Bill Downey Jr.
10/14/18 Sermon

Bible Panorama - The History of Salvation
Mike Franklin
10/14/18 Sermon