All Recordings

July Singing
07/03/16 Singing

Ephesians - 06/19/16
Bill Downey Sr.
06/29/16 Bible Class

Why You Need Christ
Mike Franklin
06/26/16 Bible Class

I Would You Were Hot or Cold - Laodicea
Jeff Clarke
06/26/16 Sermon

The Greatest Commandment
Roger Eccles
06/26/16 Sermon

Gospel of John - 06/19/16
Terry Palmer
06/19/16 Bible Class

Matthew 7 - The Sermon On The Mount
Jeff Clarke
06/19/16 Sermon

Trained By Grace
Roger Eccles
06/19/16 Sermon

Acts - 06/15/16
Jeff Clarke
06/15/16 Bible Class

Count The Cost - Luke 14
Jeff Clarke
06/12/16 Sermon

Gospel of John - 06/12/16
Terry Palmer
06/12/16 Bible Class

Mike Franklin
06/12/16 Sermon

Ephesians - 06/08/16
Bill Downey Sr.
06/08/16 Bible Class

Gospel of John - 06/05/2016
Lee Eccles
06/05/16 Bible Class

Come Follow Me
Roger Eccles
06/05/16 Sermon

June Singing
06/05/16 Singing

Gospel of John - 05/29/16
Lee Eccles
05/29/16 Bible Class

Living Rightly in Difficult Times
Roger Eccles
05/29/16 Sermon

The Battle Belongs to the Lord
Roger Eccles
05/29/16 Sermon

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Jeff Clarke
05/22/16 Sermon

Gospel of John - 05/22/16
Lee Eccles
05/22/16 Bible Class

I Have Set Before You an Open Door - Philadelphia
Jeff Clarke
05/22/16 Sermon

Acts - 05/18/16
Jeff Clarke
05/18/16 Bible Class

Gospel of John - 05/15/16
Dave Shipp
05/15/16 Bible Class

Gospel of John - 05/15/16
Lee Eccles
05/15/16 Bible Class